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Jan 29, 2022

Disagree with How Much You Owe to the IRS? Here's How to Contest It

More often than not, if you file and pay your taxes, you don’t have to worry about the IRS contacting you about paying more. But sometimes, the IRS will audit your account or otherwise determine that you owe more than what you calculated on your return. Or, you may have back taxes that have accumulated fees and penalties you want to contest. Whatever the reason, if you disagree with what the IRS says you owe in taxes, you do have options to contest it. Keep reading to learn more.

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Jan 15, 2022

How to Settle Your State Tax Debts

We talk a lot about working with the IRS to settle your federal tax debts. But the federal government is just one entity that collects taxes from you; you also pay taxes to your state. How do you settle your state tax debts? Are they settled when you take care of your federal debt? Or do you need to take care of it separately? Keep reading to learn more about your state taxes and how to receive debt relief for those tax debts.

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Jan 01, 2022

Wages Garnished for Your Tax Debt? Here's How to Stop It

If you have unpaid taxes, wage garnishment is one of the more common methods that the IRS will use to collect on that debt. Under federal law, the IRS is able to seize your income to recover any federal tax debt that you owe, including garnishing your wages, salary, commissions, and even those precious bonuses. The IRS is allowed to garnish up to a shocking 70% of your income—and they can do this without even having to take you to court. Is there anything you can do to stop this from happening? Here are a few options that are available to you.

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Dec 29, 2021

Get a Fresh Start for the New Year: All about the IRS Fresh Start Program

For many, the New Year is a time to start anew—to let go of bad habits, create new ones, and try to make your life just a little bit better. That’s tough to do if you feel tied down by overdue taxes and a large debt to the IRS. Luckily, there is a way to find relief, and the IRS Fresh Start Program makes finding that relief a little bit easier. Here’s what you need to know about this program, and how to determine if it’s right for you.

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Dec 15, 2021

How We Can Improve Your Odds of Qualifying for a Tax Relief Program

When you need relief from your tax debt, you need it quickly. Not only does time quite literally cost you money—interest compounds quickly—but most applications for IRS tax relief programs come with a fee, and you don’t want to be paying those over and over again. Working with a professional tax abatement firm can increase your chances of being approved for an IRS relief program. How? Keep reading to find out.

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Dec 01, 2021

Have IRS Tax Penalties? We Can Help You Erase Them

Owing taxes can be difficult enough. But to add to that burden, the IRS will quickly begin to add penalties and fees the moment your taxes become overdue. These penalties can turn an otherwise manageable tax debt into a burden that feels impossible to overcome. If you’ve had tax penalties heaped on top of your existing tax debt, is there anything you can do about it? The answer is yes, and we can help. Here’s how.

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Nov 29, 2021

Signs of a Tax-Debt Relief Scam

A large tax debt can be stressful enough to make people feel absolutely desperate for relief—and where there’s strain like this, there are bound to be other who will try to take advantage of it. Unfortunately, there are scams out there masquerading as tax-debt relief programs, when in reality, they will simply steal your money and leave you with even more financial troubles than before. But how can you tell the real tax relief options from the fake ones? Here are a few signs that indicate a tax-debt relief scam.

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Nov 15, 2021

On the Hook for Your Ex's Tax Debt? We Can Help

Divorces and taxes have a few things in common—they can be complicated, unpleasant to go through, and you probably want them over with as quickly as possible. But one thing that’s worse than dealing with either of these things is dealing with both of them at once. One situation that many divorcing spouses find themselves in is sorting out responsibilities for tax debts, either as a part of the divorce proceedings or in the aftermath of their divorce. If you’ve divorced and find yourself still on the hook for a tax debt you believe is your ex’s responsibility, we may be able to help. Here’s how.

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Nov 01, 2021

5 Items on Tax Returns that Commonly Trigger an IRS Audit

Nobody likes to receive a notice that they’re going to be audited by the IRS. Often, one of the first questions that comes to mind when you get that notice in the mail is, “Why me? Why was I selected for an audit?” While there can be many different reasons that the IRS would decide to audit your tax return, there are 5 common items that can trigger that audit. Keep reading to learn what they are.

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